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Client Reviews

Clients Reviews

What our clients are saying...

My sister’s daughter was seeing demons and tried to kill herself. We had contacted local church, but in vain. After reaching out to this person, he did exercise some rituals which cured her absolutely! 

Thoreen Burkhardt

Thoreen Burkhardt


I have a friend who had an entity that was attached to him. He had consulted with a Catholic Bishop and a paranormal team and another priest, but none of them could relieve him. Through me he contacted this priest, to my surprise my friend was healed in just 2 days.

Michael Hammond

Michael Hammond


My daughter was suffering from oppression. She was growing crazy at times and her heart beat would increase. I met this exorcist and he healed my daughter very effectively. Thanks a ton!

Dawn Hiner

Dawn Hiner

Port St. Lucie

My friend was in dire need of an exorcism. He was demon possessed and spreading hate, hurt and anger to the neighbors. It would have been dangerous if he continued to stay possessed. Something had taken over him. I made a call to this deliverance priest and he looked very confident in addressing problem. He told me to call after 24 hours. To my surprise, my friend was alright. I do not know how to thank this miracle man!

Shonte Taylor

Shonte Taylor


I have been dealing with demonic evil spirits and ghost possession for couple of years now. It was taking control of my life and health. When I was desperate I came in contact with this priest through online search. He performed some prayers and rituals to make me free from all evils. Thanks you for everything.

Terra Goffney

Terra Goffney

San Diego

I have experienced severe demon attacks for over 5 years. The attacks are daily and come in many forms including confusion, physical pain, constant talking, control over my mind, bad luck, the inability to complete anything, financial ruin, divorce, loss of trust with my family, loss of my business and home and many more. This exorcist person successfully healed my pain and problems. I am grateful to him.

Stacey Contreras

Stacey Contreras


My husband had entity attached and was behaving abnormally. It was greatly affecting his quality of life. We had an experience last summer, and since it’s been a daily occurrence and taking a toll on our lives. In November 2022, we met this gentleman and we had a sigh of relief! Thank god.

Chelsie Coe

Chelsie Coe


I called him in Oct-22 for help removing demonic entities from my apartment that are influencing my girlfriend and myself. He did a miraculous job in just a single day! Appreciate his help..

Greg Stewart

Greg Stewart

Buffalo NY

Me and my husband had icubus and succubus demons attack problem. We consulted many psychologists and counselors for over two years, but all went in pain. Recently we came across this exorcist in New York and we met him. He successfully removed the demons possession.

Charlotte Houston

Charlotte Houston

Houston, Texas

I came to consultation, because I was puzzled with current life situation and this exorcism priest gave me clear ways to develop, and a plan of how to move ahead to avoid further problems. His exorcism prayers worked for me. Thank You

Kaitlyn Kristy

Kaitlyn Kristy


My daughter had suffered ghost possession and no one could cure her. During those days her behavior was very abnormal and it was cause of concern for us. We met this exorcist and he gave deliverance through exorcism rites and chants. Now she is all good.

Natosha Jacobs

Natosha Jacobs


It was a herculean task for me to get rid of demonic possession. I did suffer for whopping 3 years. Met many spiritual healers and counselors in Los Angeles, but none of their treatments gave permanent relief. I was guided to meet this exorcist from one of my close relatives. The priest performed some rituals and chanted some rites for some time in front of me and in the next couple of days, I was back to normal. His cost is also affordable and he is a good humanitarian too.

Nick Norton

Nick Norton

Los Angeles

Due to evil spirit possession I suffered a lot in terms of health, profession and finance. I approached many astrologers to find solution to evil spirits attached to my body and mind. Unfortunately nothing worked. I took online consultation with this deliverance priest and he set me alright.

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith

New York

For us, he performed catholic exorcism prayer for house and we got deliverance from evil spirit, demonic spirits and ghosts. Overall I can say his exorcism prayers are most effective and result oriented. I thank him wholeheartedly.

Jimmy Gibbs

Jimmy Gibbs

Georgetown, Washington DC

My wife was getting attacked by demonic spirits. When it happens she would hear some voices, smell bad odor, she has scratches on her at times, she feel like someone is touching her. We went to few psychiatrists in Philadelphia and nothing helped us. One day we telephoned this priest and explained everything. He carried out some demon exorcism prayers and promised that my wife would be fine in couple of days. Surprisingly my wife is back to normal as promised by him and our life is back to track.




I have a 28 year old daughter who I think is communicant with something evil in our apartment she falls out of no where and we can hear her talking to something and she cannot sleep at night at all she always screams on the top of her lungs. We took her to child psychologists many times, but she continue to remain same. In December 2022, during Christmas i came in contact with this exorcism priest through someone. After contacting him, within few hours she miraculously returned to normal. We saw the result in just 3-4 hours. Really this person is a savior of life!

Fredrick Miller

Fredrick Miller


My mother was seeing spirits and feeling things in and on her body! It was really taking a role on her. I ran out of ideas on how to help her. I counseled her with few psychologists, but it did not do any help. This exorcist came as a god and evicted all devils out of her body

Rebecca Ivy

Rebecca Ivy

Los Angeles

I have been possessed by some demonic ghosts and it effected by business, health and mental health. No prayers and worships could get me right. As a last chance i went to this exorcist priest and yes he did healing. Thanks a ton!



Cleveland Ohio

Occult black magic and a picture of me have been used to curse me. There were physical invisible demons, portholes from other dimensions;  in my house and inside and outside of my body that were physically inflicting pain and torture to my body daily. This priest carried out some rituals on me in Nov-22 and since then i never had such issues.



Saint Paul, Minnesota

I have had something on me that won’t leave me alone. I know it evil it won’t let me sleep in a bed it won’t let me sit down some times if I do sit it feels like it trying to go in side my body parts I can be walking on the floor it grabs my feet and try to squeeze them hard or bite me. I consulted many therapists in Miami and that did not do any help. It was only when I contacted this priest that I had sigh of relief.

David Blakemore

David Blakemore


I found him online and took service from him in first week of Jan-23 to free my daughter from a demonic spirit attached to her. In one prayer he got her relieved from all the sufferings. He delivered the result which many doctors could not do.

Sandy Proctor

Sandy Proctor


My son had a hard time due to attachment of evil entity within him. We took exorcism services from him recently and my son is alright now. This priest’s exorcism rites are very powerful I believe.

Johnny Dabbs

Johnny Dabbs

Las Vegas

My daughter had bad spirit on her body which we could make out from her behavior. She had been showing behavior problems for quite some time. She was unable to sleep. She was constantly peeing on herself on purpose with no medical explanation. We spent lot of money consulting doctors and psychiatrists. I approached this priest for the solution based one someone’s recommendation. He confirmed the presence of demons on my daughter and using some rituals he casted demons out of her body.

James Tarver

James Tarver


I had two demon’s or witches attached to me. I have had a Catholic Priest try to remove through Latin prayers but it just made my attacks more severe. I have seen one coming after me twice, it looks like a human but with really long arms and shorter legs the color is brown and black with a little bit of what looked like dog hair but it looked like matted thin human hair. When I called for Jesus to help me it ran of my bed and ran out of my bedroom and then vanished. One attacks my head and body which it really hurts do to it’s nails digging in me. The other demon tries to get to my private body part constantly. Right now there is one in the bed around my legs, and one above my head trying to cover me with it’s grayish black wings. In 24th December 2023, I contacted this exorcist and helped me to cast out the demons. Many thanks to him!



Spokane Washington

I’ve been haunted and possessed by something I can’t see . Since  2021 I’ve tried praying and it doesn’t seem to be afraid of it . I’m being touched in my rectum area and my groin area on a daily basis and chocked from around my neck from the inside and outside of my throat. It claims that it’s first Adam and Jesus Christ .I have a picture a Shadow of a tall spirit wearing a black cloke. It was very intimidating experience. I called this priest and explained my turmoil. Through some prayers and chants he relieved me from these spirits.




My 16 year old daughter has something inside of her and it is not good. She has been held down and raped by a demon,hears voices been to psychiatrists in and out of mental hospitals tried a bunch of medications that do not work for her. If she tells her counselor or doctors about what she is going through, they think that she is crazy and takes her by ambulance to different mental facilities and nothing works. She can’t even go to school, these should be the best days of her life and she is cursed and this is the only way to get her some help. This exorcism priest made her normal in just 2-3 days. His charges are also nominal. My sincere and heartily thanks to him. 




I was having issues at my house, my young son and my older sons girlfriends little girl keep seeing things. Many times during nights he said he saw a bear by the washer and dryer while we were in the living room and he came running and whining about what he saw. I saw a dark shadow this past weekend in the living room when i came out of my bedroom duck and run towards the front door. other things have happened too. My wife disregarded it all like nothing is wrong. But there was really some evil spirits. This priest when I contacted him In June-23, made it clear to me and expelled all the demons and negative energies.

Michelle Campbell

Michelle Campbell


Suffered with pain for 6+ years due to evil attacks. They are huge & fill my house. They get worse at night & I fear death every nite, cuz I woke once & was being drowned & shocked at same time. They hurt my cats. They flood my house each night. Feel like being electrocuted. I had contacted many local priests for help and nothing worked. Finally this man came as savior of my life! Thanks a ton!

Tyler Fleenor

Tyler Fleenor

El paso

I had a demon or spirit attached to me.  I felt like loved ones were being tortured and I could feel the effects and problems When I was young also I had an encounter that can’t be explained. When I contacted this exorcist, he helped me to cast out demonic spirits attached to me. Thanks to this miracle man’s service. I am always indebted to him.

Barongo Ombasa

Barongo Ombasa


I have been dealing with an enemy that has been going after my mind. I had evil and terrible intrusive thoughts that began 5 years ago. I don’t know whether it’s witchcraft, spiritual warfare or just a demon. I contacted this exorcism priest when I visited New Jersey during last Christmas. This priest’s powerful prayers worked our well for me and I am having sigh of relief.

Sherrill Chong

Sherrill Chong


I have been doing crack cocaine for many years. I have become a liar I have become angry I have become a person that I do not like and I know I am possessed with these demons and I don’t like it I want them gone I want them out I never have been like this ever in my life I was so sweet to people and now I’m being angry and mean and cursing and doing all these things that is just not me not my normal nature. My wife was more worried about me. When I made contact with this priest, he clarified that I have a ghost attached to me and he cleansed with his eviction spells.

Philip Obanda

Philip Obanda


My roommate had an incubus attached to her. Her husband says there’s multiple spirits in the house.

The other morning, I woke up with bruises on my left leg. She had a demon possession and when we called this priest, he confirmed the same. From his assurance of casting out demons quickly, we took his service. He kept is assurance and driven out all the bad spirits in just 2-3 days.

Joe Dexter

Joe Dexter

Oklahoma City

My wife was possessed. She had an evil spirit speaking from her, her eyes roll up, feet curl inwardly, color of eyes change Grey,  black , .  Her right leg is swollen from knee down…. something moves in her leg when I pray. . her toes and foot moves on its own  …she has slurred speech at times,  .. she was diagnosed a medical mystery… MRI scan showed swollen leg as normal size as the other.  When medical fraternity could not help me, I did approach this priest in June-2023. On phone itself he chanted something and he told daily he would pray for the recovery for continuous 7 days. Form the day 1 itself she started showing signs of well-being. Now she is most happiest woman. It is an exaggeration if I say this person is a miraculous person.

Matthew Jackson

Matthew Jackson


I needed an Exorcist for deliverance, Healing, Protection, Breakthrough, for my Home and evil spirits. This exorcist was of very helpful to me. Now myself and my home environment are very peaceful and I am a leading a harmonious life.



Durham North Carolina

I was experiencing high-levels of witch-craft in my life and every location.There has been innumerable satanic alters raised against me and my children. I have been robbed off my Glory and blessings from the Lord.I was ridiculed and occasionally exploited. There was a lot of jealousy and envy consistently at my table.I was surrounded enemies who were deadly and violent who controlled my life and destiny. I came across this exorcist and he drove away all the demonic and malevolent spirits from my body and soul. He is my real savior.

Alana A Banion

Alana A Banion

Wichita Kansas

During mid November-2022 my daughter started hearing and fighting with 2 evil spirits that she claims are human. It has grown to many evil spirits, She confused me with the evilest demon who threatens her sexually and physically. She refused to tell anyone or go to a doctor. When I contacted this godlike priest, he confirmed that they were demons and expelled those from body. Now all is well.

John Long

John Long


I was seeking assistance with a persistent negative attachment, possession, or something similar that has been significantly worsening my life. I was experiencing a severe lack of motivation, depression, and a negative outlook on everything. I desperately needed help and I appreciate this exorcism specialist who assisted me compassionately. Thank you again!

Mia Cunningham

Mia Cunningham


In that last 3 years there were multiple demon attacks on our apartment in San Antonio. All family members fell sick very often. This priest offered some chants and spells that helped us to come out of the turmoil. Thank you Sir!

Robert Dusharm

Robert Dusharm


His spiritual guidance has been invaluable. He helped remove a lingering spirit in my home, and I feel a renewed sense of calm and protection. Thank you.

Chequlia G Harris

Chequlia G Harris


I was amazed by how this Exorcist handled my situation with such professionalism and care. His deliverance prayer worked wonders, and I feel safe for the first time in years

Archie Shed

Archie Shed

Springfield, OH

I reached out to Exorcist when I was experiencing intense spiritual disturbances, and his help was transformative. His deep knowledge of exorcism and compassionate approach provided me with immediate relief. The exorcism prayers and rituals were highly effective, and I felt a profound sense of peace afterward. I highly suggest this Priest to anyone in need of spiritual cleansing and protection.

William Hill

William Hill

Las Vegas

I was dealing with a severe case of possession, and nothing seemed to work until I found this healer. His personalized approach, powerful prayers, and genuine empathy made all the difference. He not only removed the malevolent entity but also provided guidance on how to stay spiritually protected. I’m forever grateful for his help!

Tameika Hamilton

Tameika Hamilton


This exorcist provided exceptional help during a very difficult time. His expertise and calming presence made me feel safe, and the results were truly remarkable. Highly recommend!

Russell Howland

Russell Howland

Little Rock